Preorder Info

Items that are up for preorder will have [PREORDER] written in the title of the listing. These items are made-to-order, and may take up to several months to fulfill due to the time it takes to make the product and the time it will take for the items to ship to me. 

Preorder listings will typically be up for 2 weeks. Once preorders close I will go right to the production phase!

Any non-preorder items in the same cart with preorder items will be fulfilled at the same time as the preorder item, which again will take several months! If you do not want to wait that long for your non-preorder items, please make them a separate purchase!

Please be aware that if you purchase from the EU/UK, you may be subject to paying an additional VAT fee once your order goes through customs.

Lastly, if preorders flop, I will make an announcement and refund your order fully! 

And if you need any assistance in your order whether it be a cancellation or an address change, feel free to contact me at [email protected]!